"Operation Bed Spread was created in November 2012 by a men’s Bible study group at Saint Simons United Methodist Church. Operation Bed Spread (O.B.S.) works to improve the lives of children and their families by providing mattresses, box springs, frames, sheets, and pillows to people who have no bed in which to sleep. The idea for O.B.S. originated when one of the members of the men’s Bible study, Rees Carroll, was mentoring a third grader at Saint Simons Elementary School, who was being bussed over from Brunswick. The child’s teacher brought to the member’s attention that the student was behind in his studies due to the fact that the child was falling asleep in class. Later, the teacher brought to the mentor’s attention that the child did not have a bed. He was sleeping on the floor with his older sister, who kicked him at night. The Bible study group was informed and took action! Beds were provided to the child and his older sister."
